Daily life hacks #2

Life-changing ideas that make you smarter and stay ahead in any situation.

Today hacks for you!

This is Bring Hacks’s daily newsletter with lifetime-useful hacks that make you smarter and life better every day.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

💡Remove bruises with vinegar
💡Put 2 big bowls inside the microwave
💡Relieve headaches with hot & cold therapy
💡Relieve burning pain on tongue
💡Make shoes fit

Read time: 1~2 minutes

To remove bruises, put on a cotton ball soaked in vinegar.

Here's how you put two big bowls inside the microwave at once.

Have a headache? Put a bag of frozen peas on the back of your head and submerge your hands and feet in hot water. The heat on your extremities pulls the blood from your head, which relieves your headache pain.

A tiny sprinkle of sugar over the tongue can also relieve the pain when you've burned your tongue.

Shoes too big? Put on more pairs of socks, put the shoes on and blow dry for 3 minutes. They'll fit, except you might feel really hot inside!

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